• The use of oil-saturated sorbents and sorbent products in the manufacturer’s production process is our way of complete

    Waste sorbents recycling

  • The use of oil-saturated sorbents and sorbent products in the manufacturer’s production process is our way of complete

    Waste sorbents recycling

  • The use of oil-saturated sorbents and sorbent products in the manufacturer’s production process is our way of complete

    Waste sorbents recycling

  • The use of oil-saturated sorbents and sorbent products in the manufacturer’s production process is our way of complete

    Waste sorbents recycling



The important advantage of SynergySorb® sorbents and sorbent products is their environmental safety, which is the maximum possible among sorbents. Thus, the oil-saturated waste sorbent products usually relate to the environmentally safe non-hazardous industrial waste class.

This safety is ensured by the vegetable origin of the sorbent and fillers of the sorbent products. The sorbent’s uniqueness lies in its ability to bond with absorbed hydrocarbons, transforming them from a liquid state into a stable solid powder with no desorption from any external action, such as heating, pressuring, or flushing with water.

Hydrocarbon-saturated waste sorbents and sorbent products are collected by the consumer and stored in any type of container. They are then delivered to the dealer according to the agreement. The dealer then carries out the primary treatment of oil-saturated sorbents and sorbent products and delivers them to the manufacturer for further use in the production process.

The relationships in the chain “Manufacturer – Dealer – Consumer” are governed by contract, so the consumer never has any problems with waste sorbent recycling.


The further use of oil-saturated sorbents and sorbent products in the production process is an important element in the life cycles of sorbents and the production process.